
Tungsten Ball Weights

Tungsten ball weights are made from heavy metal, tungsten. Compared with lead weights, which is the traditional weights, tungsten ball weights are nuisance free, international environment friendly, and tungsten ball weights are much smaller than lead weight in limited weight.

Tungsten ball weights includes many types, tungsten ball with a through hole, tungsten ball without a hole, tungsten balls with grooves etc.

Chinatungsten offers you many types of tungsten balls at reasonable price, can provide you a large selection of tungsten balls for fishing.


Fishing Safety

Fishing isn't a dangerous sport, but you should prepare to be safe and comfortable in the outdoors. It is possible to get caught unexpectedly in bad weather, encounter insects, spend too much time in the sun, or get caught on a fish hook.

Wearing the proper clothing helps to protect you from injury. It also keeps you warm in cold weather and cool in hot weather. Rainwear and other gear keep you from getting wet and chilled.

Safety Around Water

Anglers should learn how to swim and use caution around water at all times. You should always use the "buddy system" and have a friend or an adult with you in case something goes wrong.

When to Fish

Spring/Early Morning

Fish aren't biting. The water is cold and doesn't heat up because the sun is low and the rays bounce off the water. But don't go home yet, because winter is over and fish are hungry and spawning. Best to wait until a week or so after thaw, as spring turnover takes time for the water temperature to even out to 39.2 degrees.

Spring/Late Morning-Early Afternoon
Fish are biting off and on. The water begins to warm up because rays begin to penetrate the water. Remember to fish the downwind shoreline, as the winds will push the warmer surface water along with surface food into that area.

Spring/Afternoon-Early Evening
Fish are eating a lot because their metabolism and digestion are cranked. Water is warm because the sun is directly overhead.

Summer/Early Morning-Late Afternoon
Fishing is excellent from before sunup to just before mid-morning. At this time of year there is abundant food and cover for fish, so finding hungry fish can be a challenge.
Summer/Late Morning-Early Afternoon
Fishing is poor for most of the day. Fish move to deep water to cool off.

Summer/Afternoon-Early Evening
Fishing is excellent from early sundown until dark as the waters cool and fish rise up from the depths.

Fall/Early Morning
Fish aren't biting much from sunup to early morning. The water is cool because the sun is too low to penetrate the water.

Fall/Late Morning-Noon
Fish are biting off and on in warmer, shallow water. The water is generally cool due to the season.

Fall/Afternoon-Early Evening
Fishing is excellent. Sun is directly overhead for several hours and the water gets more comfortable near the surface. This makes for seasonally good fishing because fish are putting on weight for the winter. Look for bait schools where bigger fish are more likely to be.

Seasonal Lake Turnover
Turnover refers to the exchange of surface and bottom water in a lake or pond. This annual recycling program happens twice a year. There's spring turnover and fall turnover and summer stagnation in between. From spring to fall, warmer water goes from the top of the lake to the bottom and cooler water moves from the bottom to the top.

An understanding of turnover, combined with knowledge of what kind of water a particular fish likes, can make you a real fishing genius. As always, good luck.


Tungsten Nail Sinker

Tungsten nail sinkers feature barbs to help keep the sinker in place.

Tungsten Barrel Weight

Tungsten barrel weights with plastic insert to ensure there are no nicks or abrasions to your line.

Tungsten Fishing Ball

The addition of tungsten fishing ball to a lure or as part of the terminal setup is a great way of adding some attention-getting noise.

Tungsten Bead

Tungsten beads are twice as heavy as brass as and heavier than lead, they are perfect for any fly that has to get down deep.